According to Hyderabad Police, the accused had come to India on a "business" Visa but established a drug peddling network across metropolitan cities with the help of drug suppliers from Goa.
Police also seized two laptops and 15 cell phones from their possession, besides Rs33,600 in cash.
The names of the accused were given as:
Ejeana Raphael Chidera, C Akuabata, U Solomon Ubabuko, Obiora Chukwuemeka Peter, O Samson C, E Christian Chuku and U Promise Chukuwudi, all businessmen.
Limba Reddy, DCP of Taskforce, told India Today Television: "Three of the gang members stay in Goa and the remaining in Hyderabad. Prime accused Ejeana Raphael Chidera is the kingpin of the drug racket in Goa, he established a network in other metropolitan cities with his associates,"
Limba Reddy, DCP of Taskforce, told India Today Television: "Three of the gang members stay in Goa and the remaining in Hyderabad. Prime accused Ejeana Raphael Chidera is the kingpin of the drug racket in Goa, he established a network in other metropolitan cities with his associates,"
Police also seized two laptops and 15 cell phones from their possession, besides Rs33,600 in cash.