Friday, 26 August 2016

Published 11:43:00 by

Before Breitbart, new Trump campaign CEO Stephen Bannon bullied people in Biosphere 2

Steve Bannon, head of Breitbart News, was named to the new position of campaign chief executive officer. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

The Breitbart chief and Trump campaign CEO's sexist bullying was evident in the early days of Biosphere 2 in Arizona, then a quasi “space colonization” and environmental research project.

Stephen K. Bannon, who recently took a leave from running to become Donald Trump’s chief campaign executive, once bullied women in the historic environmental research project known as Biosphere 2. He called a female science researcher who wrote a report about safety concerns a “deluded” “bimbo,” and threatened to “ram it down her (expletive) throat.” He also threatened to “kick her ass.”
