Thursday, 18 August 2016

Published 10:33:00 by

Faux Victorian couple ejected from Butchart Gardens for fancy attire

Image: Gabriel Chrisman/Facebook

Gabriel and Sarah Chrisman of Port Townsend, Washington wear Victorian style outfits every day. They run a website called This Victorian Life, which chronicles their "long-term experiential study of culture and technologies of the late nineteenth-century." They don't have cell phones or watch television. "This is who we are," they state on the site. But when they traveled to Victoria to celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary they were turned away from Butchart Gardens because their "costumes" are forbidden.

The website for the Butchart Gardens has a link to a PDF with a list of "Garden Etiquette" rules, which includes a ban on costumes:


The Chrismans say their clothes are not costumes, and it is wrong for the park to deny them entry. From CBC:

"We've worn this type of clothing before and we've never been turned away before. Never had this sort of official banishment," Gabriel told CBC News.

"These are not costumes — it's just our everyday dress," Sarah told CBC News

The couple blog and write books about their favorite era. They cook with a cast iron stove and even ride a replica 1885 Victory bicycle.

After the Chrismans wrote about their experience, Butchart Gardens issued a statement, that read, in part: "For the enjoyment and safety of all visitors, and to preserve our tranquil atmosphere, the Butchart Gardens joins many international attractions … in not permitting costumes or masks to be worn on-site."