These days, the vape market is saturated with low-quality products, making it nearly impossible to separate the gems from the duds. The Atmos Rx Dry Herb Vaporizer stands out from crowd for two reasons: its impressive battery life and durable construction.
This high-end little gadget is compact enough to fit in your pocket, and packs a powerful punch, too — up to 72 hours of vaping on a single charge.
The ceramic heating chamber is wickless and heats dry herbs or waxy oils, meaning you get the freshest pulls without all the gunk. And the included e-liquid adapter and two different e-liquid flavors mean you can vape whichever way you prefer (because some of us just prefer oils to dry herbs). calls the AtmosRx “one of the best pen-style vaporizers on the market, thanks to its durability and long battery life.”
Grab this deal with free shipping for just $59.99 (that’s 73% off the retail price) in the Boing Boing store.