Tuesday 31 January 2017

Published 12:41:00 by

Killer Mike Hosts 83-Year-Old Activist Jane Elliott At Run The Jewels Show

(AllHipHop News) It looks like famed activist Jane Elliott is a fan of hip-hop music.

The 83-year-old creator of the controversial “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” study turned up at a Run The Jewels concert in South Dakota.

Her experiment, which was conducted in a classroom shortly after Martin Luther King was assassinated, showed students of different races what it was like to be discriminated against based on color.

Since then, Elliott has taught the method, which was chronicled in the Frontline documentary “A Class Divided,” at corporate seminars, colleges, and prisons around the country.

Killer Mike labeled Elliott his “friend” and “teacher.”

“You have sacrificed so much,” Killer Mike wrote on a post with a picture. “Thank U for all your work and thank u for Coming out to our Show. I am humbled and honored to host u.”

Jane Elliott still believes her teachings are just as relevant in 2017, especially in light of the climate around the country, since Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban” last Friday.

“I want people to know there’s only one race on the face of the earth, and that’s the human race. We’re all three-hundred and fifty-fifth cousin of everybody else,” Elliott told the Des Moines Register. “And that can be applied to religion too.”

Take a look at the picture below:

Instagram Photo